Thursday, 12 February 2015

My Workout Routine

I've always found it difficult to consistently exercise and stay motivated. I tried going to the gym and I tried high intensity workout DVD's, but after a few months I would finding myself sticking to it less and less.

When my brother suggested we try bouldering I was really skeptical, I thought rock climbing without ropes would be really dangerous, I had flashbacks to rock climbing school trips and everyone laughing at my inability to leave the ground.
I can now say I've been consistently bouldering for almost two years. Of course I've hit a few plateau's in that time, but I've still happily gone to the climbing gym and tried to break through it because I always know I'm going to have a great time.

I've never been a sporty person, I got kicked off the netball team in school because I would run away from the ball (true story) and I've always been weak, inflexible and scared of heights.
With bouldering I've been able to overcome all of that at my own pace and I love it.
The atmosphere is so friendly and if you're ever struggling with a route or a move there will always be someone willing to give you tips to help.

Although I have continually gone to the bouldering gym around three times a week, I haven't had an exact training regime until recently. With my training I want to build my stamina, build muscle and improve my climbing overall. To achieve this I want to climb often, use different body weight exercises and train on the fingerboard.

Here is my current routine...
Monday -  Finger board training (7 seconds on)
                  Variations of pull up's, chin up's and leg lift's

Tuesday - Climbing session,
                 ab's routine and stretching

Wednesday - Climbing stamina session (continuous climbing for as long as possible)
                      Climbing specifically big moves and dyno's

Thursday - Climbing session,
                   ab's routine and stretching

Friday - Finger board training (7 seconds on)
             Variation's of pull up's, chin up's and leg lift's

Saturday - Rest day

Sunday - Climbing session,
               ab's routine and stretching

My super kawaii chalk bag!

I will be doing more detailed posts about bouldering and talking about my ab's routine and my gym wear, climbing shoes and equipment. Also as the weather warms up I will be climbing on plastic less and climbing on real rock more, I'm so excited for summer!

Instagram - @wolvesandflames


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