It's been five months since I last shaved my hair to a number two and I am lucky to have hair that grows thick and fast, but I've still been looking up tips and making an effort to encourage my hair to grow as fast as possible (Come through hair!).
Keep it healthy
We have the amazing opportunity to start all over again with our hair! So it only makes sense to make a huge effort to look after it and make sure it stays as healthy as possible. I've invested in a new conditioner, deep conditioner and Moroccan oil so that I can create a new routine and have my natural, soft hair for the first time since I discovered straighteners in high school!
Embrace your natural oils
Although I'm starting the conditioning routine, I also want to calm down on the amount of times I wash my hair. Our scalp produces oil for a reason, so let it do it's job and keep your hair happy. When I had the buzzcut I was washing my hair daily, so I'm trying to get out of the habit of sticking my head under the shower head! Maybe I should buy a shower cap.
Stock up on hair product and accessories
When my hair was first growing I was so relieved to have my Superdrug styling wax, it made calming my hair and keeping it in the right place so much easier. I tried a styling putty initially but with my thick hair wax or gel is the best bet. When your hair grows a little longer it's good to have a selection of clips, hairbands, bandana's and hats. There was a bad two week period of my hair growth that I had to constantly wear a wig or a hat because it was out of control!
Fight the mullet
The hair at the nape of your neck is going to constantly look longer than the rest so I can't reccomend enough getting regular hair cuts. Trimming the back every two weeks is best for keeping the mullet in check. I couldn't be bothered taking regular trips to the hairdressers, so I just got my boyfriend Mike to cut it in to a straight line and that kept it looking neat and a bit more like an intentional haircut. I'm at the point now that I don't need to trim it anymore if I don't want to, so I'm excited to see how quickly I can grow it in to a bob.
Stay inspired
Through the entire hair growth journey I have been following people on Instagram who are also in the process of growing out their buzzcut. It's encouraging to see other peoples progress and it's definitely good to get inspiration from their look and how they are styling their hair during the process.
Have patience
It's obvious, but you really do need to be patient and just enjoy every step of the growth process. Have an idea of how you want to grow your hair, but don't be upset when it takes a few months to see the change. I've had my goal photo of Winona Ryder (this one) on my vision board since April and it defintely keeps me psyched and it just reminds me where I want to be!
My goal was to have a bob by October when I go on my trip to London with my Mum and I think I can do it!
Let me know if you have any tips for hair growth that I haven't listed!
Thanks for reading!
Satin vest - Charity shop
Crop leggings - Primark
Instagram @wolvesandflames

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