If I was a perfect person I would meditate every day, but with my busy schedule it's difficult to manage meditation more than a few times a week.
I started meditating a few years back and ever since I have had some incredible experiences.
I'm going to share with you some tips and techniques that I follow!
Getting started
When trying meditation for the first time I suggest you sit or lie comfortably on your couch, your bed, on the floor or outdoors. Make sure there is no distracting noise from the TV and close your eyes.
Now to begin meditating, the key is to focus on your breathing.
Concentrate on each movement you make, beginning at your toes and travelling up through your body.
Feel your chest moving as you breathe and listen to your heart beating.
Completely clearing your mind of any thought can be difficult for a beginner, so I think that focusing on your breathing like this is the best place to start.
For the first few tries you may only be able to meditate for a few minutes, but this will slowly increase as you continue (don't be surprised if you fall asleep a few times!).
After a few attempts your mind should begin to clear and your breathing will relax and become less forced.
If you're struggling to keep your eyes closed a good tip is to light a candle and focus on the flame as it flickers.
At this point I think it's good to listen to calming music or a chant (there is lot's to choose from on YouTube) and this will increase the experience. When I meditate whilst listening to music I find that I can see colours and patterns dancing about in my mind and it really adds to the experience. I always feel more productive and exhilarated afterwards!
So, why try meditating?
Personally when I meditate I feel extremely relaxed, free of stress and inspired to get on with my day.Research also suggests that meditating helps with lowering blood pressure, improving blood circulation, lowering heart rate and of course reducing anxiety.
I honestly can't see any downsides to trying out meditation, in this technology fueled society it's nice to be able to sit down once a day and take a break from it all.
Let me know if you have any experiences with meditation!
Instagram @wolvesandflames
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