Friday, 9 October 2015

Halloween Series #2 My fortune telling experience

 I was always nervous about visiting a psychic, I was worried they would warn me that I was about to get dumped or tell me to visit the doctor because they envisioned an illness.
When the opportunity came for me to have my fortune read a few years ago, I decided to have some fun and try it out!

The woman who did my reading was really sweet and funny. We started with her shuffling her Tarot cards and getting me to pick out ten from the pack. She then lay them out and began to give me the reading. I honestly didn't know what to expect going in to it. I'm a very open minded and spiritual person, but at the same time I wasn't going to just believe everything that she said.  

She started off by talking about my boyfriend Mike and how serious our relationship is and she described his job and his personality exactly right, so that got me feeling a bit more open to the situation.

She then went on to describe me as an artist and told me that I would be retraining in something creative. At the time I had just finished studying art and design for two years and I was in the process of signing up for a beauty and special effects makeup course. I was trying not to give away too much detail but at the same time I  was confirming that what she was saying was right, so maybe I was giving things away?

Next she spoke about me signing important documents, so that could have been referring to me moving in to my first flat with my boyfriend a few months later.

The comment that excites me the most meant nothing to me at the time. She told me that my career would be online and I would work from a computer. At the time I thought that was ridiculous because when she said that all I imagined was me working a boring office job and that is something that I could never imagine myself doing.
To write this post I found an old diary that I knew I would have written about the psychic experience in and when I read three years later about her mentioning the computer I just couldn't believe it. Maybe she knew about my blog before I did?!

She also pulled several cards about me having children and about me taking time from work in the future to raise them. At the time I was excited about that because it's exactly what I always wanted, but things have changed and I honestly don't think I want children so now I'm just thankful that this prediction hasn't happened!

It was a really awesome experience and I do definitely reccomend visiting a fortune teller that you have heard good things about! Now I'm eager to have another reading and see if I can have another thought provoking experience!

Comment letting me know you're opinion on fortune tellers and if you've had any experiences yourself! I'd love to hear them...

Instagram @wolvesandflames


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